Dr Color Chip used before Clear Auto Bra applied
About a year ago, a client of mine brought in his 2011 Black Honda Accord EX after he purchased and used Dr Color Chip paint chip repair to try to fix a few rock chips. He did a great job of covering up the rock chips that happened due to normal daily driving conditions. He asked if we could still apply the 3M Scotchgard Clear film application (Clear Auto Bra) to protect his paint from future rock chips even though he had 6000 miles on the car at the time. I said yes. Whatever is there will always be there, however you will not have any additional rock chips after we apply the clear film to your paint surface. Dr Color Chip is a great idea and product to fix the rock chips that show up without any protection. My client also said he had been using the factory black cloth bra only on long road trips (not every day driving) that he bought from the dealer. He complained at higher speeds it would start flapping and eventually left a wear mark on the clear coat finish. He was able to wax that out but he as also frustrated that was happening. With the Clear Auto Bra you can drive as fast as you want and it will never flap due to high speeds.
Does this sound like you and your story? If it does, please give me call or email me and we can discuss how a 3M Scotchgard Clear film application – Clear Auto Bra will help protect your automobile’s paint from future rock chips and you will not have to use the Dr Color Chip Paint Chip repair each time you get a new rock chip.